Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Second Portfolio Shot

Well this is what I think is going to be my second portfolio shot. At first I didn't see it would fit in and only took the photo because I was using a marco lens and the subject looked interesting. But in reality it does fit in to what I am planning on doing. Did a lot of editing on the leaves to try and get it to look perfect.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Concept Advertising FINAL!!

This is what the final image came to. I took a product which is Frank's Red Hot Sauce and I took their slogan and played with it. I have no idea if this is allowed BUT I am not trying to sell the product but I was just making an ad. The whole ad is made by me I just took their slogan.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Concept Advertising

Well this image isn't completed yet, but this is going to be the base image. Again this is for my studio class and this time I had a blast taking photos for it. I had to take these images fast due to the fact that I was dealing with real ice cream, so right when I got into the studio one of my classmates came to me and asked if I needed someone to hold the ice cream, well thank god she was there, what a great hand modle I had. ANYWAYS this is the shot for now, just after little editing done.
