Sunday, December 25, 2011

plant and flower portraiture

Well here it is the final project finally coming together, took about 15 weeks to prepare this but all is worth it. I am proud of my first portfolio and I am eager to start my next one which will be food (yum!!!). So here it is, my final 10 images...


Monday, December 5, 2011

Vodka Ad

This is the ad that I decided to do for my advertising project. I HAVE NEVER DONE VIDEO BEFORE!!! So this being my first time I think I did an ok job, wish I had a few more things to make it much better, but I think it works.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Birds of Paradise

This is the newest addition to my portfolio. This one was not easy for lighting wise, it actually took many shots to finally get to this outcome. I am satisfied with the results.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Blue Orchids

This is probably one of my favs I have done so far. I love the colors from the orchids and also the feeling of it. Well here is another photo to add to my portfolio.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

2 More Portfolio Photos

Well yes it has been a while since I have posted anything. Yes I am shooting not much but I am. Its getting very busy with school and what not with life so I will try and post more. Well since by Monday I will have to have 3 more photo added to my portfolio before the last submission (YIKES!!) I have these two to show. Both images are of the same flower just after 2 weeks later.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Video Lighting

Well this is going to be what the lighting will look like when I shoot my video sometime soon. This is just a still but I will be using this object as a prop and I figured I would get the lighting down before the video shoot session.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Painting With Light

I am trying a new thing with my portfolio, its called painting with light. It is working in a dark space (doesn't have to be in the studio) and then taking a flashlight (mini) and just painting in the light. You have to put it on a long shutter speed and be patient and take lots of pics. Its pretty enjoyable and it has a nice unique effect and its blurry but it doesn't matter. It was in focus when it was shot its just with the light it gave it that effect.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Second Portfolio Shot

Well this is what I think is going to be my second portfolio shot. At first I didn't see it would fit in and only took the photo because I was using a marco lens and the subject looked interesting. But in reality it does fit in to what I am planning on doing. Did a lot of editing on the leaves to try and get it to look perfect.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Concept Advertising FINAL!!

This is what the final image came to. I took a product which is Frank's Red Hot Sauce and I took their slogan and played with it. I have no idea if this is allowed BUT I am not trying to sell the product but I was just making an ad. The whole ad is made by me I just took their slogan.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Concept Advertising

Well this image isn't completed yet, but this is going to be the base image. Again this is for my studio class and this time I had a blast taking photos for it. I had to take these images fast due to the fact that I was dealing with real ice cream, so right when I got into the studio one of my classmates came to me and asked if I needed someone to hold the ice cream, well thank god she was there, what a great hand modle I had. ANYWAYS this is the shot for now, just after little editing done.


Friday, August 26, 2011

Coffee Time

Well this is the first day of studio and we had to do something dealing with coffee. But he didn't want just a cup of coffee no, he wanted something "outside the table". So I tried to take that on and here is what I have. The teacher likes this one but I am not that sure about it yet. I am very picky when it comes to this stuff.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

More Flowers

Well after the sad tragic accident of my hard drive dying I have tried some more photos taking different approaches and also trying to see if I like black and white. So far this is what I have more will be updated.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


These photos were not really used for school but rather they were used for a friend's portfolio for their dance school. They needed photos to show to clients showing their faces and I did a few portraits for them, and these were the two best shots in my opinion. The were both edited slightly, but then again most of all my work is edited now.  I have no idea what is up with the color cast of the edited version but it was not that cold tone I put.


                             Pia: Before                                                                                  After

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Snippets of Trinidad

The country of Trinidad and Tobago is the little island right before Venezuela, its hot and when I went it was the wet season. I traveled with my friend because it was her family that lives there. It is an amazing and gorgeous place to be, I truly loved being there right next to the ocean hearing the waves crash as they hit the shore. Well it was quite an adventure getting to the island but it was well worth the mishap. So here are some snippets of what I saw on my trip to the Caribbean island.

 Our first home
                                Tiny lizard                                             Hawaiian flower torch (something like that)

                                        Nutmeg                                        Something with ginger in it

           My best friend trying to cut open a coconut and she caught me taking a pic
                                 YUM!!!! Sugarcane                   The grassy area close to our beach house
                        COCONUT TREE YAY!!                      Just many of the boats we saw

                Again another boat                                         Baby chip chips

                            Our houses for 5 days                                           Baby bird we found

                         My favorite boat                                                Chip chips on a stick

                              A nearby house                                    The beach and lifeguard booth

                                Another house                                 Along the coast while on a drive

                                BANANAS                                             Our dinner guests

                                                           I have no clue what this is

   The flags that told us where the safe areas were        Our last day on the beach beautiful sky go figure

                            The beach                                             Same grassy area

 On the drive back to the houses the beautiful scenery            I think a restaurant or bar