Friday, August 26, 2011

Coffee Time

Well this is the first day of studio and we had to do something dealing with coffee. But he didn't want just a cup of coffee no, he wanted something "outside the table". So I tried to take that on and here is what I have. The teacher likes this one but I am not that sure about it yet. I am very picky when it comes to this stuff.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

More Flowers

Well after the sad tragic accident of my hard drive dying I have tried some more photos taking different approaches and also trying to see if I like black and white. So far this is what I have more will be updated.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


These photos were not really used for school but rather they were used for a friend's portfolio for their dance school. They needed photos to show to clients showing their faces and I did a few portraits for them, and these were the two best shots in my opinion. The were both edited slightly, but then again most of all my work is edited now.  I have no idea what is up with the color cast of the edited version but it was not that cold tone I put.


                             Pia: Before                                                                                  After